A Manifestation Spell
When trying to manifest a desire, there are a couple things to keep in mind: Don't be too narrow in your desire. For example if you are manifesting money do not ask for “$50” but rather phrase it as “the amount I need, at least $50.” Spirit may send you more than you ask for, unless you yourself have set a limited it. Spirit will never overrule the limitations you place on yourself, only you can remove those. Finally, when just starting out in magic, it may be wise to start with small things. This is because magic will not work if you don’t believe it will work -because energy responds to thought and emotion. If your thought is “I manifest a Cadillac” but your emotion is “I could never do this” it won’t work. By starting with simple things, you can build up in increments and be less likely to run into self-imposed limitations. The symbol attached at the bottom of this post is the sacred geometry symbol for manifestation. It can be carved into the candle as a sigil for added power.
What you will need:
1 White Candle
1 piece of Paper
A Lighter or Matches
A Pen or Pencil
A fire-safe dish
Begin by releasing all tension and anxiety. Put yourself into a comfortable position. Now, think about what you want to manifest. Concentrate on it and imagine clearly what it might be like to have it. Meditate on this for a while, keeping it clear in your mind. Now write down on your paper what it is you wish. You may wish to write it in a manner similar to the invocations given below. Now, light your candle. Focus for a few moments on the candle’s flame. Now take your paper. You may want to fold it in half, but don’t fold it up too tightly or it will not burn. Visualize a ball of white light in the center of your chest.
Affirm: “Behold, I connect myself to powers of the Universe” Visualize yourself rising up above your physical body, and high above the earth. You may want to imagine looking down at the whole Earth below you. Now affirm:“I am created by the Gods and Goddesses, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power.” Open your eyes and take your paper. Affirm: “I am created by the Gods and Goddesses, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. And as such, I will that as this paper burns, so too shall this, which I have written, come to pass. May it come to me easily, and with harm to none. I will it. I draw it to me. I manifest it. I accept it. I receive it. I give thanks for it. By my will, so mote it be.” Now light the paper on fire and place in fire-safe dish. Visualize a ball of white light all around the paper, as clear and bright as possible. Hold on to the feeling and energy of manifesting your desire, let the paper burn until it is gone.
The speed and thoroughness with which the paper burns shall be an omen to you of how long it will take for the thing to come to you. If any part of the paper doesn’t burn, repeat the spell on a different night.

sacred geometry symbol for manifestation