
6 min

A Compilation of Love Spells

No doubt, February is the month of love! That doesn't exclusively involve romance, self-love, and family love are important to remember as well! Below, you'll find a list of love spells for any love you may have this Valentine's Day!

Self Love

You Will Need:

Rose Petals - For Healing & Serenity

Rosemary - To Protect & Rejuvenate

Pink Salt - To Cleanse & Renew

Sugar - To Sweeten, Self-love, Acceptance, Understanding, Affection

Lavender - For Self Forgiveness, Healing, Inner Peace, Tranquility

Mix ingredients in a jar. Store in personal area like bedroom. Shake once a day while focusing on self-love, forgiveness, healing, and remind yourself that YOU ARE AMAZING! Shake any time you need a hug from your witchy family (Feel it, we ARE here for YOU, now & always!)

When jar has served its purpose throw out (in trash) with coffee grounds or tea bags.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Love All That I Am - Bath Ritual

A love potion bath for self-love and to encourage others to view you favorably.

You Will Need:

Organic Rose Petals

Moon Water

A splash of milk (any kind)

Vanilla Extract

Brown Sugar


In a large jar or bowl, bring together rose petals, fresh milk, moon water.

If this bath is to draw or sweeten a lover add a tiny bit of honey, a drop of vanilla extract, and a pinch of brown sugar.

Pour potion into warm bath and stir.

Soak, bathe, rinse, pat & air dry.

Walk with confidence while using this spell.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Come To Me Spell Bath

You Will Need:

Red & Pink Rose Petals - For Love & Attraction

Lavender Oil - Sensuality & Intimacy

Salt - Purity & Attraction

Pink Candle - Inscribed with name or qualities of the lover you wish to attract

Prepare a warm bath, mix all Rose petals, Lavender Oil, and Salt into your bath.

Stir clockwise while envisioning the person (type of person) you'd like to attract.

While stirring say aloud

' Lover, Lover, Come To Me,

Hear Me Calling, Lovingly.

On Wings Of Love To Me You Soar,

Having Love Forevermore'

Soak and bathe while envisioning love and daydreaming of the love you want. How you will appreciate that love, etc.

When you're finished, rinse, pat/air dry.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Sometimes to Love, we need to Heal: Healing Oil

Mix in a glass bowl, jar, or container:

1 TBSP Aloe Vera gel or cream (More for sensitive skin or those sensitive to smell)

If you don't have aloe gel you can use 2 TBSP of a carrier oil like almond, jojoba, coconut, or olive in a pinch.

4 Drops Rosemary Oil

2 Drops Sandalwood Oil

1 Drop Bergamot Oil

1 Drop Juniper Oil

1 Drop Carrot Seed Oil

Mix ingredients well, shake before each use. Dab a tiny amount on wrists, chakra points, and behind ears to promote healing, balance, restoration, and new growth.

Love & Attraction Oil

Mix in a glass bowl, jar, or container:

2 Drops Rose Oil or 4 Drops Rose Water

2 Drops Pachouli Oil

2 Drops Ylang Ylang Oil

2 Drops Lavender

Pieces of Adam & Eve Root, If Available (Orchid; Aplectrum Hyemale)

Mix ingredients well, shake before each use.

Use to anoint candles and bless clothing, car, bed, altar.

*For topical use dilute 2:1 with sweet almond oil (or coconut oil)

Seduction Oil

Mix in a glass bowl, jar, or container:

10 mL Carrier Oil ( coconut, jojoba, almond, olive)

2 Drops Ylang Ylang Oil

4 Drops Pachouli Oil

2 Drops Lavender Oil

2 Drops Neroli Oil (or Rose, Geranium, or Sandalwood)

1 Drop Orange Oil

Mix ingredients well, shake before each use.

Use to anoint candles and bless clothing, car, bed, altar.

Draw Sigils in oil lightly on wrists, neck, rib area, elbows, and inner knees to seduce your lover.

Add a few drops to a spray bottle with moon or rose water to ignite intimate in the bedroom.

Anoint candle, let it dry, burn it over (near) your lovers picture to (re)ignite passion in their hearts and inspire pleasant thoughts.

A Spell For Growing Love: Triple Moon Fertility Charm

You Will Need:

A Crystal Necklace or Pendant To Enchant as a Charm

One Organic Apple (any variety)

Incense For Blessing (Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli)

A Knife For Carving and Cutting the Apple

A Candle

This spell is best preformed with the person you intend to procreate with, but will also work if you do it alone.

Light your incense and your candle, and take a silent moment to focus your intent on your goal. Think of all that journey would entail. When you're ready, set your incense aside, and with clean hands, prepare to carve your apple. Carve the first letter of your name (and parters name if applicable) Carve a sigil that feels right to you. This can be one you have prepared ahead of time or one you come up with on a whim, as long as it's FROM YOU.

After carving your apple, set it aside and (with clean hands) pick up your necklace.

Slowly swing the necklace/pendant clockwise a safe distance above the candle flame.

Say aloud

' Triple Moons, no toil or trouble,

help me conceive now, on the double,

With fruit and fire, I call thy name,

three times three into the flame

Mother, Maiden, Crone

Send little feet into my home'

Place the necklace back down in your spell-casting space.

Turn to your apple, slice it in half. You eat one half of your apple and your partner eat the other. If no partner is present, leave the other half out for the remainder of the spell, then cast away into nature. You don't have to eat the entire half, a bite or two will do.

Let your candle burn down and your incense burn out while manifesting over your spell-work, focus your intentions and thoughts on your goal for the remainder of this spell session.

When all has safely burned out, wear your necklace/pendant as much as possible.

Don't shower with it.

Recharge it under the Full Moon.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Relationship Repair Spell Jar

You Will Need:

Rose Petals - For Love

Cinnamon - For Passion & Romance

Clover - For Communication

Moon Water - Divine Energy & Blessings

Honey - To Sweeten & Bind

Petition Paper - Taglock

On your petition paper write the names of you and your lover. Also include any important dates like date of marriage, first date, meeting. Add any key words that bind the two of you like the name of the place you met, etc.

Mix all ingredients in jar with lid.

Add petition paper last.

Shake jar well and store somewhere personal and intimate to the two of you like your bedroom. If you cant keep the jar long-term, keep a few days, shake often, and dispose of contents along with dried flower petals and sugar, in the trash.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Healing Spell Jar - For Self, Family, & Relationships

You Will Need:

Sea Salt - Cleansing & Renewing

Honey - Balance & Rejuvenation

Mint - Fresh Start & New Beginnings

Sunflower - Bright Tomorrows, Luck, & Blessings

Agate - Restoration & Repair (Don't put IN jar)

Mix all ingredients EXCEPT Agate in jar.

Place the Agate on top of or near the jar and charge under the moon. Wear Agate on (or keep near) person to promote emotional and physical healing and recovery.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Sometimes Love Is Letting Go - Full Moon Release Spell

You Will Need:

A Piece of Paper or Bay Leaf


Fire Safe Container


On a piece of paper or bay leaf, write down all the things you'd like to release from your life.

Under the Full Moon, read your list aloud and add

'By the power of the Moon

I banish these things (this person) from my life this night

I am in control, I have the power

Be gone from my life this hour'

In a fire-safe container burn your list under the Full Moon and give thanks.

This spell is done.

Let today be the day you learn the grace of letting go and the power of moving on.

This spell is done, so mote it be.

Plate Breaking Banishing Spell

You Will Need:

A Plate You Can Break and Throw Away

A Permanent Marker

A Large Ziploc

Cayenne Pepper


Write what you'd like to banish on a plate. Give as many details or keywords as possible.

When you're done writing, hold the plate firmly in your hands and envision the things you'd like to banish as servings on the plate.

Break the plate on a hard surface (a safe distance away from yourself and others) like the road or driveway

Sweep up ALL of the broken pieces and place them into a large ziploc style bag.

Sprinkle Cayenne pepper over broken pieces inside bag and top with a splash of vinegar.

Seal the bag and place it inside of the trash can, remove from your house immediately (outside in a bin or near the road is fine)

This spell is done, so mote it be.

No matter who you love, always remember to cleanse and ground yourself often.

You don't want to constantly carry around the energy of others, for better or for worse.

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